Confusion – Chapter 4

red smartphone on white surface

Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a great week and are ready for Confusion, Chapter 4. I will go and add chapter numbers to the first two chapters, and I’m working with a friend to make it easier to find them. If you’re just joining us, you will want to stop reading and go back to read the first three chapters before reading this one. So, without any more delay, let’s see what happens today.


“Alright, thank you.” Adam hung up and looked over at Avery to see a frown on her face as she hung up as well. “I’m guessing no luck there either?” Avery shook her head as she crossed out the last diner on the list.

“We called every diner. What’s going on?” Adam sighed, running a tired hand through his hair. “So, what do you think our next step should be?” Adam was about to answer when his phone rang. It was his dad. Glancing at his watch he was shocked to see that it was already seven.

“Hey dad,” he said, forcing himself to sound normal. “What’s up?” Avery looked at the time and smiled as she heard Daniel yell through the phone at Adam. She was surprised her dad wasn’t doing the same thing. She quickly sent a text message to her parents as she listened to Adam. “Sorry dad. I completely lost track of time. I meant to meet you at the garage when your shift ended. I’m just with a friend from school. We were working on homework together.” Adam hid his sigh of relief. His dad bought it. “Yeah, I’ll head home now. Sorry again. Oh, have you heard anything from mom?” Adam’s eyes widened. “What! When? I’m on my way right now.” Adam hung up and grabbed his bag. Avery looked up at him, confusion on her face.

“What is it?” She had to hurry to keep up with his long stride.

“My mom called my dad a few hours ago.”


Daniel looked up from his paper work as Adam burst into the house. It was clear that his son had run the entire way home. He was sweating and trying to catch his breath as questions tumbled out at the same time. He smiled and held up a hand.

“Woa there son. Catch your breath. Sit down and I’ll heat up your dinner. Did you run the entire way home?” Adam collapsed into a chair, accepting the glass of water his dad handed him, gulping it down.

“Where’s mom? Is she coming home?” Daniel placed a plate of potatoes, steak and vegetables in front of his son.

“Eat your dinner. Your mother is fine. She had a bit of car trouble and her phone had died. She said that the diner had been really busy and she was exhausted, so after she got a hotel room, she just passed out. Your mother told me to tell you she is sorry that she worried you.” Adam stopped eating, confusion showing in his eyes. Daniel sighed. “What now?” Adam just shook his head, shoving more food in his mouth. “Adam?”

“Why wouldn’t she call me and just tell me herself?” Daniel grabbed a beer out of the fridge, sitting across from his son, his attention going back to his paper work.

“You were in school. Now, finish your dinner and go take a shower. You stink.”


Adam collapsed on his bed. His dad had not given him any more details. After a shower, Adam had pulled out his homework and stared at it for an hour before giving up. His teachers were not going to be happy that he didn’t do any of his assignments. He would have to make up an excuse. His phone started to vibrate and he glanced at the caller id. It was Avery. The two had exchanged numbers before parting ways.

“Hey Avery.”

“Hey, what happened? Is your mom back?” Adam shook his head.

“No. And get this. Dad says that she had car trouble and her phone died, so she stayed at a hotel for the night and didn’t call me because I was in school.” Avery was silent for a moment, as if trying to figure things out. He could just picture the confusion on her face.

“That makes no sense. She could have texted you. Plus, we know that he’s lying about the diner. What the heck is going on?” Adam fought back a yawn.

“No idea, but my dad is hiding something. I just don’t know what.”

“I have a bad feeling about this Adam. What should we do next? If we file a missing person’s report, your dad will probably lie to the police. Do you believe that she actually called him?” Adam sighed, sitting up in his bed and staring out the window.

“I don’t know anymore. What I do know is I can’t just go to school tomorrow and pretend that everything is fine.” Avery chuckled.

“Then it’s a good thing that tomorrow is no school. It’s the teacher planning day, so students get the day off. Why don’t we meet at the library and figure out our next step? Let’s say nine?” Adam smiled.

“Sounds like a plan. See you then. Oh, and Avery, thanks.” Adam hung up and lay back down, closing his eyes. He was about to fall asleep when his phone vibrated again. He groaned and answered without looking at it. “What?” Adam’s eyes shot open and he sat bolt upright. “Mom?”

Wait, what?

Oh man. What is going on? Are all Adam’s questions about to be answered? Where has his mom really been? I guess we will have to wait till next week. I hope you enjoyed Chapter 4, Confusion. I’ll see you all Monday with a movie review. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.