New Chapter – The next part of my life

woman holding book with blank pages

So, I touched on it a bit with my last blog. I mentioned that there were some changes coming in my life and today I wanted to share some of those with you. The next chapter of my life is coming fast and I am excited to take all of you along with me. Let’s talk about my new chapter.

What’s New?

Well, the first thing that I want to mention is that my dear friend and roommate will be moving out. Before any of you ask, no we didn’t have a falling out. She has been wanting to move out to start her new chapter in life, and she’s allergic to my cats. Yes, we are different personalities, but I truly believe that our friendship will grow even more as we both enter the next chapter of our lives. She has a YouTube channel, which I’ll link below because you should totally check it out, and I want to start mine. Our channels will be quite different, so I was waiting till one of us moved before starting mine. This will prevent us from disturbing the other’s recording sessions. This one change is what will spark the new chapter for me.

The Plan

I am so excited about this next part you guys. Here’s the plan. After she moves out, I will spend September brainstorming and filming different videos. A friend of mine is excited as well because she’s going to be my editor, which makes things that much easier for me. More on the reason later. I may post some shorts, just to launch the channel and get the ball rolling on getting views, likes and subscribers. Then, starting in October, the videos will start getting posted. I’ll be meeting with my friend to talk about a realistic schedule for both of us, as I know that consistency will be key for success. As soon as I am able, I will be paying her, so it’s not like I’m taking advantage. During this time I will still be working full time at the hotel and keeping up with my blog schedule.

What Will Change

After September I will no longer be blogging about my fitness journey through this platform. That will be through YouTube, so you can follow me there to keep up with that. The biggest change in my life will be less free time. No days off for a while. When I’m not at the hotel I’ll be filming, blogging, and continuing on the novel that I’m writing. There will be meetings with my friend who will be my editor. So, as you can see, not having to worry about editing my videos will give me more time for these things, as well as still trying to have a social life. Plus, I do need to find time to sleep.

Won’t You Burnout?

Good question, and definitely one that has crossed my mind. I promise that I’ll take time to recharge and rest. The goal will be to sit down before September and make a realistic schedule. Blogs will still get posted every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. My hotel schedule is a bit all over the place, so I will need to see if I can iron that out as much as possible. And, once I start making money through blogging, or YouTube, or both, I can ease up a bit on hours put in at the hotel and maybe do a bit more of that from home. There are a few things I can do for the hotel while at home, like making the schedule, posting on social media, writing blogs and making cheat sheets for training purposes.

Is This Realistic?

Another good question. I truly do believe it is. Now, this means I have to be realistic and know that my YouTube channel will not blow up overnight. It will take time before I can make any money from there, just like with my blogs. None of what I’m planning is with a ‘get rich quick’ mindset. Every single one of these projects will take time, patience, energy, and plenty of hard work. This much I know. If I didn’t have to work a full time job, sure, I could put in more work making and posting videos and blogs. Maybe that would make things go faster. That however, is not possible. I’m not going to be sharing bills and rent anymore. It’s all on me. However, if I don’t start, I’ll never know if success is even possible.

You Can Help

I can’t do this alone. I need people like you to read my blogs, watch my videos, and in the future, buy my books. I know that there are people in my life who think that I shouldn’t pursue these things. They don’t see how I can make any money from it. That’s okay; I still love them dearly. Everyone has a different idea of what work can look like, or should look like. Different people have different personalities, hopes and dreams. That is what makes humanity so incredible. If people didn’t have dreams of being in show business we wouldn’t have entertainment. If no one pursued a career in music, we wouldn’t have anything to listen to. Same with writing a book, or becoming a teacher, starting a business or inventing something new.

Everyone has different passions, skills and talents. Let’s encourage each other to use them. Find something you love and go for it. What if it doesn’t work out? Well, what if it does? You will never know if you don’t try. And even if it doesn’t work out, at least you can say you tried. I might never make enough money from blogging to turn it into a career, but I won’t know unless I try. Anything is possible, if we try.

Oh, and if you like cake decorating, check out my friend’s channel and give her some support as well. Take care everyone.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.