
round white analog clock showing time

Hello my friends. I’m going to be honest, this time I’m just going to type and see what comes out on this blog. I woke up today, knew it was a blog day, and I still had no idea what this blog would be about. I still don’t. That’s the rough part with writing. You never know when inspiration will hit you or when you will hit that block. So, let’s see what comes out in this blog and I hope it’s worth the read.

more time

Do you ever get to a place in your life where you wish you had more time? I think that’s where I’m at right now. The hotel I work at is getting busier, which is awesome. Everyone is getting their hours. In my case, I’m getting more than I need. The joys of being an assistant manager I guess. The struggle is knowing when to look for more staff, and when to work with what you have, giving everyone lots of hours. This is usually what people want. Bills get higher, prices increase with every increase in minimum wage, and to pay all the essentials and have money for fun is hard. However, the balance comes with avoiding the burnout

Using time

With all the hours I have been putting into the hotel, I need to use the left over time wisely. I need to keep up with my blogs, so I can start earning money from them. Then there is trying to find time for rest, house cleaning at home, giving my cats attention, and trying to have a social life. On top of that, I am trying to be an Arbonne consultant, write a novel and plan for the next chapter of my life. I’m exhausted just thinking of everything I am trying to fit in with the time I have. However, I know that this means that I have to make some sacrifices. Spending less time re-watching my favourite shows, or wasting it watching YouTube videos.

Don’t waste

I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve wasted too much time in the past. All those hours spent, doing absolutely nothing. I’m sure some of you can relate to waking up and not wanting to get up. I have spent hours, just laying in bed, daydreaming about whatever I feel like. Sometimes these day dreams inspire story ideas. Other times I am just redoing TV shows or movies in my head. I tell myself that I’m just resting. After a hard work week I deserve it. The reality is, I just don’t want to face the day. Why get up and do something productive when I can just lay in bed and be lazy. Sometimes I really hate how lazy I am. We all know though, only I can change that.

Small steps

Everyday will be a battle. Laziness is not something I can kick overnight. Sure, I’ll have days where I have no time to be lazy, but then it always catches up to me and I’ll have multiple lazy days. I could use the excuse that I’m tired and need to rest, but I can still be productive in that rest. My novel will never get published if I don’t write it, and I can do that from the comfort of my bed. Brainstorming blog ideas so I don’t run into days where I have no idea what to write is another way to use my rest time productively. Spending time with God in devotions is another great way for me to spend my rest time. It does not have to always mean that I just turn off my brain and waste time doing nothing. Time is precious, we should all use it more wisely.

we did it

Look at that. Sitting down and just typing did pay off. Another blog in the books, so to speak. Now to think of what I’ll do for my Wednesday blog. It’s the start of a new week and I can get a fresh start on being wise with my time. Yes, I’m still going to have a lot of work to do at the hotel and with all the night shifts, sleep is important. However, I will make my goal this week to not just lay in bed when I wake up. My goal will be to get up and do something productive. I have a novel to write, and blogs to plan and write. Then there is planning ahead for the next chapter. No more wasting time because anything can happen if we try.



Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.