Food From Newfoundland – A series end

Well my friends, we’ve made it to our last Newfoundland blog. There’s something a little sad about reaching an end, but there is also hope for what’s to come. Enough of that, though. It’s time to talk about food, one of my favourite subjects. I will try to remember where I ate each meal, but unfortunately I wasn’t a good blogger and didn’t write down these things. So, let me share some of the delicious food I ate and drinks I tried while out in Newfoundland.

Our first breakfasts at Rustlers

We didn’t go out for breakfast a lot, actually. Our mornings were pretty chill and we kinda just made ourselves coffee and fended for ourselves. I would either have some fruit, or eggs and toast. However, we did go out for breakfast our first two days out there, so do not worry. The first place we went to was called Rustlers. It was a nice place, the staff was friendly and the atmosphere was nice and relaxed. The perfect way to start the day. Rosie went with the classic bacon and eggs. I decided to try something called a touton breakfast sandwich. I had no idea what it was, so the waitress described it a bit and then suggested I try it with syrup. The touton is a pancake-like bread dough that’s fried. It’s very well known in Newfoundland, and I can tell why it’s a favourite.

Round 2

I believe the second place we went to was called The Bagel Cafe. It was a cute place and also the most popular place to go for brunch. The line was all the way out the front door. Waitresses bustled about in the busy place, getting tables ready for the next group, sitting them down and serving them. Usually when a place is that busy, the service falters a bit because of the stress. They did awesome though, and I don’t think our coffee mugs ever reached empty and the food came quicker than expected. I had a classic breakfast, but with poached eggs and fish cakes. I was curious to try them and they did not disappoint. Needless to say, I was a fan.


So, because we usually slept in, our breakfast was always more of a brunch. Most days we had two meals and then plenty of snacking throughout the day. If we had lunch it was mainly sandwiches that we packed for the drives. So, I’m going to clump the two meals together. The second meal of the day was usually eaten out, so I won’t be able to list absolutely every place we ate at and everything we ate. The blog would be way too long. So, here are a few of my favourites.

Wing’n It
Duck Wings

An aviation-themed restaurant was our first restaurant that we ate in Newfoundland. As we looked over the menu, there was one item in particular that really stuck out to me: Duck Wings. Naturally, I had to try them. Chicken wings don’t stand a chance. They were double the size, and so flavourful. And that was the appetiser. The main menu was ribs and these chip-like fries. Also really good. I had a cocktail with the meal, but honestly I don’t remember the name of most of the drinks I tried.

Persepolis Persian Restaurant

How many chances do you get to sample Persian food, without going to Persia? I don’t think Manitoba has anything like that. (Someone please correct me in the comments if I’m wrong.) This restaurant I was not sure what to get, and ended up going with a lamb dish. I was not disappointed. There was so much flavour. If you’re ever in St. John’s go try this place. I do believe they had vegetarian options as well.

A Persian Dinner
Jungle Jim’s
A meaty feast

This place was a favourite for both Rosie and I. We actually went twice to this restaurant, the only repeat place. I can’t remember what the dish itself was called, but it is any meat eater’s dream. Steak, ribs and wings, with a side of fries and coleslaw. I’ve had some pretty good steak before, but this one takes home the gold. It was cooked exactly how I like it and packed with flavour in every bite. I could not get over how delicious it was. The best part of the entire plate, and that’s saying something. The ribs were fall off the bone and the chicken wings were excellent (though I think I now prefer duck). The price was a lot, but I mean, I can’t be surprised. With that much meat, and the quality, it was worth every dollar I paid for it.

Shamrock City Pub

This will be the last one for the lunch/dinners. I remember looking at different restaurants and seeing moose on the menu, before I went to Newfoundland. Unfortunately, I lost that list before going out there, so I couldn’t remember where to go. I asked my boss where she had tried moose nachos and the place she said we had been to, but I didn’t remember seeing it on the menu. I began to think this was something I would not get to try. Then, on whale watching day, we came across a sign for Moose Burgers! After the tour we went over and I ordered it. You guys. The flavour made it rise up over any beef burger. Moose and beef are similar in taste, but there was something more amazing about this burger. Now Steph, could it just be you thought everything tastes better out there? You could be right, except for one thing. I had a beef burger out there and I still say that moose is much better.

Moose Burger with fries
Other highlights
Enjoying a milkshake (Rosie) and Vegan ice cream (me) on a hot day

There was just too much food to put all in one blog. I had some pineapple flavoured vegan ice cream in a waffle cone, a New York cheesecake with Newfoundland Berry jam, and lots of different drinks. I tried chips that tasted like fries covered in gravy (good gravy), fresh tasting fruit, pistachio chocolates and more. There was one meal I didn’t enjoy and ironically it was fish and chips. I think having it almost every week for a year when I was in New Zealand just put me off fish and chips for life. I tried octopus sashimi and sushi with mango on it. So many delicious foods and drinks.

The end….or is it?

Well, we have reached the end of our Newfoundland series. I hope you all enjoyed reading this series as much as I enjoyed sharing it. I hope to go back to Newfoundland some day and see more places, do more things, and eat more food. And next time, I’ll be sure to blog about it while I’m out there, not after when the details are starting to slip. Let me know if you enjoyed this series. I am planning my next adventure, but I need to finish paying this one off first. So, until the next time I hope you remember that anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.