Growing – Becoming My Best Self

person writing on notebook

There are so many ways of growing into the best versions of ourselves. I have wanted to dedicate this year to becoming the best version of myself, or at least growing into that person. I want to talk about that today. What does that look like for me? Let’s find out.

Who do i want to be

First we need to establish what the best version of me looks like, for me. I’m not talking just about appearance. Yes, I want to lose a bit of weight which is part of the reason I’m on a fitness journey. However, there is so much more to it. I want to feel healthy. My energy levels could use a boost, and I want to start cooking more than going through a drive thru all the time. I also want to grow in other areas too. Taking better care of my house, playing more with my cats, spending more time with friends and family is also on the list. Becoming a full time blogger and working solely from home is also who I want to be.

What does that look like?

Now that I know who I want to grow into, I need to take steps to becoming that person. The change will not happen overnight, and it will take a lot of time and energy and hard work. So, we have already started working on being the healthiest version of myself. For anyone who has been following me since the beginning, you will have read my monthly updates on my fitness journey. As long as I keep up with that, then I’m doing good. Now, what about the rest.


For anyone who knows me, you will know that I’m not a fan of house cleaning. I do like having a clean house, I just don’t enjoy the process. However, if I want a clean house, I’m going to have to clean it. So, I want to grow in the upkeep of my place, so that when I do a full clean it doesn’t take all day. It’s the little things, and I know that when I am keeping up with that, I do feel better about the appearance of my place. Plus, it’s a lot easier to talk myself into cooking my meals in a clean kitchen, rather than one that I have to clean first.

Cat mom

I love my cats and I can’t imagine a life without them. However, I do allow my laziness to keep me from playing with them and brushing them on a regular basis. I want to change that. I know that regular brushing will also help with their shedding, which in turn helps keep the house a bit cleaner. Playing with them can strengthen the bond between them and me, as well as give them exercise because they are indoor cats. Thus, they are a bit chunky. Marshall has hip dysplasia, so the extra weight can’t be comfortable for him. I do know that because of that he also can’t play too intently or he will hurt himself, but he does enjoy the odd game of chase the fish on the string, as does his brother, Teddy.

Friends and Family

This is another reason I want to be able to work from home full time. If I’m making my own hours, and someone needs me, I can be there for them. Right now I feel like I’m just too busy or too tired to put in the effort. However, I’m sure that even just reaching out to someone can make their day. Today, my mom and I had coffee together via video calling. She lives in another part of the country, so we can’t visit in person, but we both enjoy our video calls. We have baked together that way as well. It’s always a blast. I want to try that more regularly, as well as reach out to others on a regular basis. It doesn’t take much to send a text after all.

Full Time From Home

This is the hardest, as it takes a lot of time, hard work, and energy. Right now, the only thing I can do is keep working on my blogs and try to sell Arbonne. The more I work at it, the better chance I have at reaching that goal. It won’t happen with hope and wishing. So, I am aiming to post 3 blogs a week from now on. I also want to start promoting Arbonne more on my social media accounts. And I know I’ve been saying this for a while, but I do plan to write blog reviews on the products I try. Perhaps I’ll do one this week. I guess time will tell.

Moving forward

I know that I’ll have good days and bad days. There is no way I will succeed overnight. I actually have a challenge coming up that may help me with some of this. I’ll let you know about it soon. If I take it one day at a time, and have grace for myself when I do have an off day, then I will grow into the best version of myself. Growing in these areas, as well as so many other areas, will help me to be the person that I want to be. I couldn’t go over all of the areas in this blog. No one wants to read a blog that long. So, stay tuned for part 2. I’m not sure when it will come, but it will. So, if you want to support me, why not subscribe to my blogs? It’s simple. Go to my home page and put in your name and email. Share my blogs with friends and family. I will also share my Arbonne link below if you’re interested in any of those products. Till next time remember, anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

2 thoughts on “Growing – Becoming My Best Self”

  1. I also enjoy our video calls…This last one we had started off with our morning coffee and then after the call ended we both got into cleaning mode..thanks to you , my beautiful daughter, I got all my house cleaning caught up ..was nice to text while cleaning and send each other proof of what we actually cleaned…keep up the good work , I.m proud of you…can’t wait for our next coffee time and get more incentive from each other with our cleaning and baking…love you and missing you every day 🙂

    1. Aww thanks mom. I love and miss you too. I’m also looking forward to our next coffee video chat. They’re always lots of fun.

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