It’s Time – Time to get serious

white ceramic teacup beside grey paper clip

So, I have shared with you a lot of my dreams. There are blogs about that and even one about a fire being reignited with chasing them. However, that fire seems to have withered and died and now I’m not sure. However, I need to be real with myself. It’s time for me to chase my dreams and put the work in. It’s time to get serious.

What’s holding me back

Well, if you’ve been following my blogs, you have heard me share about my fears. Just because I wrote about facing those fears, does not mean that I’m fully past them. They are still there and still holding me back. Laziness also plays a big part in that. Some days it’s a lot easier for me to just sit in bed and watch YouTube videos. But isn’t becoming a YouTuber one of those dreams? Yes, yes it is. Some of the videos give me ideas for my own channels. Others are purely for entertainment and distraction purposes.

So, what now?

Like the title of this blog states, it’s time to get serious. With my last blog I shared that I was considering finding a second job. Now, this is not the ideal solution, but it is one that provides me with the quickest solution. Then what’s the problem? It’s not the solution that I want. I do not want to be working 7 days a week just to pay bills. I still want a social life, and time to recharge. I want time to continue with my blogs and begin my YouTube career. I want to chase my longest held dream of becoming an author. I can’t do this if all I’m doing is working and sleeping. So, the time has come for me to start treating these work from home jobs as actual jobs.

Step 1: YouTube

Enough wasting time. If I want to start a YouTube career I need to start filming. I need to build a following on social media. The time for filming and learning to edit videos may not be here just yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t start working at it. I can make a list of ideas, start prepping what I’ll need. I have no idea how to edit videos, so why not start researching that and learning? One of the excuses I have been hiding behind is that I don’t have a decent camera to start a channel. This is something I can work towards by starting. No more waiting for the perfect time to start. That time is now.

Step 2: Arbonne

A while back I wrote a blog on becoming an Arbonne consultant. However, I have not been promoting the products. I have yet to write any sort of reviews on the products. There has been zero effort in trying to sell, and then I’m disappointed that I haven’t made any money. Well duh! I do not need to be that pushy person who goes around to all my friends and family trying to force them to buy products from me. I can just show how the products are benefiting me and my life. When I make these posts, I can put my link in for people to click on. There is no reason I can’t tell people about sales and special offers. As my following grows there might be future customers there. How will they know about the products if I’m not talking about them?

Step 3: Blogging

I’ve done better lately and I’m growing in posting more consistently. This is something that I can keep improving. The more blogs I write, the more I pay attention to my site, the more traffic it can get. As my site gets more attention I can branch into a bit of freelance and write blogs for companies for money. I will definitely need to do more research into what that will look like. Right now, other than my own blogs, I do write blogs for the hotel. I should grow in consistency there as well. Future clients will be looking at that too.

Step 4: Becoming an Author

This will be the hardest and will take the longest. One does not simply spit out a novel in a few hours. It takes a long time to write a novel, and to be happy with it. Then you need to find an editor and illustrator, which costs money. I have already decided that I will self publish for now, rather than go looking for a publisher. This will also cost money. Lately, with my novel, I have hit a bit of a writer’s block and can’t seem to work on it for more than a few minutes. I need to find a way past that, even if it means staring at my screen for hours. That’s what days off from the hotel are for, right?

It’s a Journey

All of these things will take time. I won’t make money right away, but if I put in the work, it will pay off. If I sit around and do nothing, nothing will happen. When I thought up these dreams, I knew that none would be get rich quick schemes. Those never work. The only way to get rich quick is to be born into a rich family and start off wealthy. It will take time to get my site popular enough to make lots of money. Getting enough subscribers on YouTube will take hard work and lots of time. Building a client list, or even a team, with Arbonne takes effort. Becoming an author takes patience. And it starts now. After all, anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.