Friendship – An Appreciation Blog

women sitting on green grass field

Friendship. It looks different for everyone and all different groups. Some friends love adventuring together. Others enjoy a quiet night in with a few drinks, snacks and a good movie. Bonfires, games nights, shopping, camping, the list goes on. Today I want to talk about 3 of my best friends and how much I appreciate them.


Rosie and I hitting the beach

Let me introduce you to Rosie. This girl is my best friend, my sister in Christ, and the friend I can depend on for anything. She’s my first call when life is getting hard. Rosie has been my friend the longest of the 3 girls I’m about to introduce here, and has gone through all kinds of highs and lows with me. She is incredibly kind, caring, and is there when I need her. I remember this one time I had just ended a relationship and I was feeling incredibly down. When I told Rosie, she dropped everything, came over and picked me up. We went to McDonald’s then headed back to my place, pulled my mattress into my living room and ate cheeseburgers and watched movies, sleeping in the living room overnight. She has been there through the tears and laughter. Rosie, you have no idea what kind of blessing you are to me. Thank you for everything.


The victorious faces after a run

When I first met Geralyn I had no idea we would become such great friends. I’m glad we did. She has the best personality and never ceases to make me laugh. Geralyn also inspired me to start running, and whenever we can make it work, we go for a jog together. Another love that we share is writing. Geralyn has published some books already, and you should most definitely give them a read. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders, always encouraging me to never give up on my dreams, all while keeping me from getting too carried away. Geralyn is the kind of friend who loves with all that she has, is compassionate, and always willing to help a friend, or family member, in need. My dear Geralyn, thank you for being my friend.


Cheering on our boys. Go Jets Go!

Last, but certainly not least, my roommate and friend, Loretta. Let me tell you, this girl has talent that I never will. An amazing baker, cake decorator, and artist. She loves plants, and our house is filled with them. Loretta also has one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever encountered. She is the kind of friend who will cry with you when you’re going through a rough patch. Her heart breaks when she sees someone suffering. Our personalities and interests do vary in a lot of cases, but we do share a love of watching Jets games live and have gone to several together. Win or lose, we have fun cheering on the home team in the NHL. Loretta, you are an incredible friend and I’m so glad that you are a part of my life and that we are friends.

Friendship to last

Like everyone else, we go through seasons. There are times when we have lots of time together and when the four of us get together, laughter is sure to be heard. When it works, we like to go out for dinner, challenge escape rooms, and occasionally we will all go catch a movie together. Other times it will be a night in with a potluck, games or movies that we spend most of the time making fun of. Our lives are quite busy and sometimes we can’t get all 4 of us together, but when we do, lifelong memories are made. This year we want to try and do activities that cater to each of us. Last month we went to the candlelight orchestra. Loretta has wanted to go to one for a while. We hope to make more plans and be able to do more.

Growing up I was mainly a loner. I didn’t have lots of friends, and the ones that I did have drifted since graduation. Not any one person’s fault. Our lives just went in very different directions. These 3 girls that I have now though have shown me just how powerful true friendship is. I know that these girls have my back when I need it and I hope they know that I have theirs. I appreciate them so much and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for all of us.


Below are links to purchase one of Geralyn’s books and Loretta’s art account. The amazon link is not an affiliate link. The book is her first book that she ever published. I just want to support my friends.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.