Inspiration – My Journey to Find It

photo of assorted letter board quote hanged on wall

So, I have to be honest. Lately, I have had no idea what to write in my blogs. I have had no ideas, no inspiration. Sure, every month I update you all on my fitness journey, but that’s one blog a month where I know what to write. So, the question is, where can I find inspiration?


Like I said, finding inspiration lately has been a bit of a struggle. I’m not doing anything exciting with my life. There are plans and hopes for future blogs, but what about right now? What do I write to keep the blog alive until those things happen?

I never want to be fake with you. I don’t want to just show the good, or make it seem like I have it all together. Spoiler alert, I almost never do. Nothing too crazy, but I just don’t know what to do with my life.


To be honest, I always thought that my life would be very different from what it is right now. I just turned 34 this month and I honestly don’t feel like I have anything to celebrate. I’m single, working all kinds of random hours, and trying to have a successful blog. Last month I became an Arbonne consultant, but I don’t really post or share much about it, so I’m not having any success there. Years ago I hoped and prayed that I would get married and start a family. This still has not happened.

Let’s Be Clear

No, I’m not depressed. I do not blame God and I’m not angry that this prayer has not been answered just yet. God has a plan for my life, and I know it’s a good plan. Now I just need to seek him and figure out what it is. What does God want me to do right now, with this season of my life.

Moving Forward

I know that right now, I find my life boring. There is nothing exciting happening at this moment to get me jumping out of bed. At work, I’m starting to cover some night shifts again, and the thing that bothers me the most is I do Saturday nights. This means that by the time my shift is over on Sunday, all I want is to go to bed. Conclusion: I can’t go to church when I’m sleeping. I’ve missed so much church, I am starting to feel disconnected from it. Thankfully, they still post their sermons on YouTube, and live stream as well, but we all know that’s just not the same. There is something special about being in the building, with fellow believers. I’m going to have to figure out what to do with that, so that I can go to church again.

I also want to try lots of new experiences this summer. No more letting all media control my life and keep me indoors. I want to go hiking, swimming, and spend time outside. These experiences, I’m confident, will give me the inspiration I need for future blogs.

The Plan

So, what do I all have planned for the summer to inspire me and bring excitement to my life? Well, as I stated before, the plan is to run the 10k race at the Manitoba Marathon. I’m happy to announce I have registered for it. I will also link my donation page at the end of this blog if you’re interested in donating. Runners are raising money for those with intellectual disabilities. Now, I just need to train for it.

Vacation Time

I have a trip planned in July with my best friend. We are heading to Newfoundland for 2 weeks and I am so excited for everything that we are going to experience, and see, and for fresh seafood. I will be blogging about some of these things while we are out there, so don’t worry. No more week long breaks for me. Hopefully I can attach some pictures as well.

What else?

I want to get in as many hikes as possible. I have a few people who are interested in trying some trails with me, so I’m excited about that. My friends and I will be checking out a candle lit orchestra later this month. I also hope I can get out to the beach a lot, though with working nights Fridays and Saturdays, I know that will be tricky seeing as weekends are when my friends are off work.

Inspiration comes

Like I said, this is a journey. Inspiration doesn’t come to those who sit on their butts and do nothing. You need to go out and look for it. Live life to the fullest, and do not back down from a challenge. We can’t give up when things get hard. I hope that I can inspire you all as well. Live life to the fullest and don’t let fear keep you down. I hope you all get out and enjoy the sunshine this summer. Spend time with friends and family and create memories that will last forever. Remember, anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.