Hockey Fan Blog

card with hockey players

So, like many of you, I am a hockey fan. I do prefer going to games instead of watching them on TV, but I can’t afford to go to a lot of games right now. Now, just a reminder, this blog is my own experiences and thoughts and I promise you that they will not reflect the same as every other hockey fan in the NHL. We are all different and that is beautiful, so let’s explore my life as a hockey fan.

A brief history

So, unlike some hockey fans, I did not grow up watching hockey. As a kid, I had no interest in sports. The only interest I ever had was joining a floor hockey team in elementary school. However, I didn’t join because I loved the sport, but so I didn’t have to go outside for lunch recess in winter because it was cold. I did enjoy it, and can proudly say that the team I was on got second in our little league (we just played against other kids in our school, it was nothing big).

How did I get into hockey? Well, it’s kind of hard to explain. I used to go to the gym a few years ago with friends from work at that time. We were on the treadmills and a Jets game was on. I don’t remember who they were playing against, or even if they won, but I found myself watching. There was a TV in front of me and I was on a treadmill. After that, I kind of just started watching more games.

Who I cheer for

Like most NHL hockey fans in Manitoba, I cheer for the Winnipeg Jets. After all, they were the team that started to get me excited about hockey. I slowly got familiar with the game and all it’s rules (though if you ask Steve Dangle, some rules just make no sense. I agree). I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but a year later I started to cheer for the Carolina Hurricanes. It might have been because of the Storm Surge that they did with their fans at home games when they won, or possibly because of how well they play, but I was hooked.

As I stated in an earlier blog, when they came to Winnipeg in 2019, I was front row at that game and got selfies with Dougie Hamilton. He is still the only player, to this day, that has taken selfies with me. In fact, even though I was wearing a Jets jersey at that game, the Carolina Hurricanes players were quite nice to me, and I got 3 pucks that game. I did end up giving one to my friend.

Pros of being a hockey fan

I love the atmosphere at a game. You get to meet other hockey fans, chirp fans from the other team, and at the end of the day (most times) you walk away from the game shaking hands with the other team’s fans. Another highlight for me is having something to be passionate about. Getting excited with each win for your team, hoping for a better game next time after a loss. The roar of the crowd when their team scores a goal. Your excitement when it’s your favourite player who scored the goal.

I know there are events that go on where the team will interact with their fans, but I can’t speak into this. Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to attend one of these events yet. Hopefully, with the help of my blogs, I can attend one in the near future.

cons of being a hockey fan

It’s really expensive. The price of tickets is costly, unless you sit so far back that you might as well watch on TV. For myself, I love collecting jerseys. I do not get the generic ones. Every jersey that I own has my favourite players on it. Currently, I own 6 Winnipeg Jets jerseys and 1 Carolina Hurricanes jersey. Sadly, Dougie is no longer a Hurricane, so I do want to get current Hurricane’s jerseys. I also do not get repeats, so each jersey is a different style.

I would say that the other con kind of contradicts one of the pros. There are some fans that ruin the game for everyone else. I’ve heard of angry fans throwing garbage on the ice, preventing the game from continuing. There have been reports of fans attacking other fans. And then there are the drunk fans that you wish just got tossed. Now, thankfully this is not the normal game experience, but it is a con for me.


I have calmed down with how crazy I am about hockey. I still love the game and enjoy watching and going to games. Collecting jerseys and attending an event where I can meet the players is still on my bucket list. However, it’s not the only thing on my mind these days. My friends are glad for that. I do have other hobbies and passions. The important thing is to not let those passions completely control my life.

What are your passions? Do they control you, or are you in control? I believe that everyone should have something that they are passionate about. We need to have something in our life that brings us joy and builds community. And we all need to be respectful in that. Never forget that. We need more kindness in the world, don’t you think?

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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