Next Level

woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer

As I sit here, staring at a blank page I’m left wondering. What the heck am I going to write about today? I’m sure I have plenty of ideas in the cobwebs of my mind. Waking up and jumping into a blog first thing is not a good idea. Then it hit me. I want to take my writing to the next level. Here is what I mean.

Blogging at the Next Level

Now some of you are probably wondering how I can take my blogging to the next level. What does that look like? I think, as a writer, I should always strive to be better. My imagination should continue to grow. Blogging should start to form around the blog styles that are more popular. And, I believe, that taking my blogging to the next level should mean that I plan my blogs ahead of time. No more last minute throwing a blog together. That means I need to start thinking about the type of blogs I want to write, and plan life accordingly.

What Blogs are Enjoyable

This is where you guys come in. What kind of blogs do you want to read? Do you enjoy the book reviews? Honestly I hope some of you do because I enjoy writing them. So, I plan to keep those going. What else? Do you enjoy fitness challenge blogs? Food blogs? I could use the extra motivation to get my butt in gear with food and fitness. There is a blog related to that that I have planned for next year, but what about till then? Do you enjoy my reviews on places and experiences? Is there any that you would like me to review? Obviously any that involve travel may not happen for a while, but anything is possible in the future.

Next Level in Story Writing

There is this platform called Skill Share that I really want to sign up for. For any of you who have not heard of it Skill Share is a platform where creators can learn or grow their skills. I took a peek and found the one that I’m looking for. It’s called editing and revising your book. This is exactly what I’m looking for. My friend also told me about a book that helps you plan and form your characters. I want to read that. If I seriously want to become successful as an author, in any way, I need to educate myself and level up my writing. The ideas are there, now to execute and learn new skills. I am hoping to get Skill Share next year.

Finding Time

Some of you are probably wondering when I’m going to possibly find time for any of this. To be frank, I wondered the same thing. Then it hit me. I have time that I waste. Sometimes my days off involve me just watching random videos on YouTube, or scrolling through reels for over an hour. Other times I lay in bed, not sleeping, but just doing nothing. I waste a lot of my free time. Sure, I don’t have a lot, but why not start to use the precious free time I have, and be productive with it? Why not take that time to read books that will help my writing? Or work on my writing, or plan out some stuff for my blogs? I’m wasting time I could use.

Where Do We Start

I may not have the book that my friend was telling me about, but I do have books that are to help grow an author. What if I aim to go through a chapter a week? I don’t exactly want to focus just on those books, as I want to read fiction books for my reading challenge. And I can continue to chip away at my debt so that I can hopefully afford the Skill Share membership next year. Taking everything to the next level does mean I have to work on my discipline, but I’m up for the challenge. My writing won’t go anywhere if I don’t. And we all know that anything can happen if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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