Goals Update


Well hello my friends. Happy Monday. Or maybe you’re like me and wondering why you’re awake right now. The temptation to roll over and go back to bed was overwhelming. However, I have to work in a few hours, so I knew I had to get up or this blog wouldn’t get written. I know I sometimes randomly update on things, but I figured today is a good day to give you a complete goals update. There may be some goals you forgot about. I know I did.

What are all the Goals

Well, let me see if I can remember. There are some that I have dropped and some that I have added. This year I made a goal to do the 75 Soft challenge, complete all the recipes in at least one cookbook and pay off a huge chunk of debt. I had goals to do yoga more frequently, and publish my first book. Then there is my reading goal, and most recently my goal to go on a month long road trip. I won’t update on my weekly goals, because those always change. And they are more for my accountability group. So, let’s see where all my goals are.

Goals Update – Not This Year

So, as many of my faithful readers will remember, I dropped 75 soft. Perhaps I will attempt it next year, but right now I do not have any plans to try it again this year. I have also dropped the recipes goal because of my financial situation. Yoga I keep forgetting about and again because of finances, I will not be able to publish this year. These are the goals I have shelved or moved to next year. This year just didn’t work for them.

Goals I’m Still Working On

Paying off debt is still a huge goal that I’m working on. I know that I won’t get it all paid off this year, but I am happy to announce I have a very positive update. When I started the year I had 5 debts that I needed to pay off. Well, as of last week, I’m down to 3 debts left! Woo hoo!!! Yes, they are the higher debts, but hey. Progress is still progress. If everything goes according to plan, I’ll have one more debt paid off by the end of the year. Wish me luck. Reading goal – I’m happy to say I have finally hit the halfway mark. 25 books down and 25 to go.

Road Trip

So, to be clear, I’m not planning the road trip for this year. I’m aiming for May. I think I’ve touched a bit on this in past blogs, but honestly, after my hectic weekend, I know nothing. But, I have 5 things I need to accomplish and a deadline on when to accomplish them. The deadline is March 1st. For those wondering why I picked a deadline to be 2 months before I go, I’ll tell you. Firstly, I really wanted to push myself. But mainly, I want the two months to be a bonus time. So, I have a savings goal on my list. The hope is to surpass that goal by May. Same with banked hours, and where my debt situation is at. There’s the expectation and then the hope to surpass all those expectations.

Goals Update Complete

So there you have it. Some goals got dropped this year and others I’m still chipping away at. There are goals that are going well and then others are nail biters to see if I can complete them in time. But, either way, I will do my best to reach them. To sum up what I want to accomplish this year. Read 50 books, enter the new year with only 2 debts, and get a good start on my road trip expectations list. If I can pay off that one debt that I’m hoping to get done this year, that’s another check on the road trip list. So, that’s double motivation. But, I am determined. So, wish me luck and I’ll try to keep you all posted on the progress of these goals. After all, anything can happen if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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