Finding Motivation

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Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re drifting through life aimlessly. What’s the point of doing this and that? Finding motivation is tricky for me most days. But lately, I feel like there’s just nothing driving me. And I mean, really driving me. Let me explain.

Finding Motivation in Goals

I make goals every week. Every week I halfheartedly try to reach those goals. But lately, I have not felt driven to reach those goals. With my salary hours, I’ve been trying to bring down the hours that I owe so that I don’t owe hours, but get owed. That means I can take time off and still get paid for it. You think that finding motivation for that would be simple. Yet, it’s not. A vacation is still a long way off due to my debt. So, how can I use my goals to help me?

Mini Rewards

I’ve decided that I need to give myself mini rewards for reaching goals. Yes, I have my big rewards. Like a vacation, and finding my own place so I don’t have to live at the hotel anymore. Those are great motivators for paying off debt. Paying off debt is a great motivator for working extra hours. However, finding motivation to keep me going while those goals are still far off is the tricky part. Yes, one of my debts is completely paid off and another is close. But, what’s the mini reward for doing these things? How can I give myself that extra boost?

Finding Motivation for Hours

Working my night shifts is the hardest area to motivate myself. After all, why would I work when I could use that time to read, or write blogs, or watch movies and TV? After all, most of my nights go towards “paying my rent” at the hotel. So, I am not required to do any work. How can I change that mindset? Well, I’ve decided to make a mini goal and give myself a mini reward if I can meet that goal. My goal is to not owe any hours by the end of August. I currently owe around 30 hours. My reward if I succeed? I’m going to go get my hair done. It’s something I’ve wanted for quite a while and it should help me in finding motivation to work extra hard.

Won’t be Easy

I know this won’t be easy. I’ll still struggle with finding motivation and that’s okay. My brain just works that way and that’s fine. Little by little I’ll find ways to motivate myself. My friends are also determined to help me. I’m really grateful for them. Honestly, getting paid to write these blogs would be a great motivator to find things to blog about. Or maybe I would read faster to write more book reviews. That’s another goal I’m still struggling with. Perhaps I’m picking the wrong books. A lot of people just put away a book if they are not enjoying it. I push through, just so that I can cross off another book on my way to reading 50 books this year. Perhaps I’ll take a break from that and just look for books that I know I’ll enjoy. Gregg Hurwitz is an author I’m enjoying, but is that just because I love the Orphan X series? Which I’m almost done reading.

How do You Find Motivation?

What about you? Does finding motivation come easy to you, or do you struggle as well? What little tricks do you have to motivate yourself? Or maybe you’re looking for little tricks like me. One thing is certain. Sometimes we have to push through, motivated or not. Someone once told me that we can’t rely on motivation, we just have to do it and motivation will follow. Perhaps we will see if that’s true for me. And maybe for you. But, anything can happen, if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.