Off Track, Sort Of

So, this last week I sort of went off track when it comes to goals and such. Nothing too crazy, but the fact that I had to think about what this blog would be instead of it being a book review says it all. My week was good though and here is an update on how it went.

Off track with reading

Like I said, this could have been a book review instead of an update blog. However, surprisingly enough, I have not picked up a book to read since I finished Hellbent. No excuses either. I have 5 library books sitting in my room waiting for me. And three of them are due in eight days. I guess I should get reading. However, oddly enough, I have not been in the mood to read. But, I need to push past that and keep going. After all, I’m not even to the halfway mark on my reading goal for the year and the year is half done. Time to get a move on.

off track with exercise

I mentioned last month, I think, that I would not be doing weekly updates on my fitness journey, but that I would do one once a month. The aim was to do this update at the beginning of the month. That clearly didn’t happen. Mini update, not much has changed. Once a week I do a workout with a friend. Although, last week instead of driving to the library I walked. It was a good hour-long walk there and back. I’m also hoping that the weather is nice tomorrow as I plan on going for a walk to pay for my car insurance. Other than that, not much happening in the active department.

Getting back on track

So, how can I get back on track? Well, it’s time to stop watching so many videos and start reading. I have been doing so well when it comes to reading my books and returning them to the library before they are due and I’m not about to change that. This just means that I have to buckle down and just read. Honestly, tonight during my night shift, I should be able to finish a book if I start it this afternoon. Now to pick one to start with. That seems to be the struggle. I also need to finish them quickly so I can go and get a book or two from the library. I found out that the Orphan X series has some “half” books. I read book 1, not book 1.5, read book 2 and 3, and there’s a 3.5 as well!

Fun activity

I was able to do something fun this last week. Something that is completely different from my regular day to day. A friend of mine was going to Heritage Days a little over an hour away from where we live. She was going to be interviewing someone about a steam tractor. I was invited to come along and jumped at the chance to get out of the hotel and see my friend in action. During the interview we not only got to ride on the steam tractor, but we got to drive it. So cool! I, naturally, had to tell everyone. Some people thought it was cool and others just shook their heads and chopped it up to me being weird. But I thought it was cool and fun, and it got me out and away from the hotel.

End of Monday’s update

So, that’s the end of my update. Went off track in a few areas, but at the end of the day, if I don’t give up, it’s not a failure. So, how was your week? Did you do anything exciting? Have you had a chance to spend time outside yet? What is your favourite outdoor activity? I would love to hear from you. Let’s make summer great and do a lot of the things that we want to do. After all, anything can happen if we try.

Channelling my inner farmer and driving a steam tractor

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

2 thoughts on “Off Track, Sort Of”

  1. Steph just casually driving the steam engine like she’s done it before. 😀

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