Chapter 17 – What Would You Do

Hello my friends. I hope you’re having a great start to your weekend. Here, the sun is shining and I wish I were outside. However, I slept in and I need to get this blog done before work, so I won’t be getting outside today. Because I’m tight for time, let’s dive into Chapter 17 of What Would You Do

Chapter 17

Tessa drank the rest of her milkshake and put down the cup as the door unlocked and opened. The woman from earlier entered, looking down at the tray. There were a few fries left and her eyes darted to Tessa. The younger girl backed away from her, hugging her knees to her chest again.

“I’m full. I tried to finish it, but it was too much.” The woman looked back and forth between Tessa and the tray a few times before nodding. Apparently she was satisfied. “Why am I here?” The woman picked up the tray. Eyeing Tessa she seemed to be deciding if she should tell her or not.

“You’ll get your supper later tonight. Do you want books or a television to entertain you in the meantime.” Tessa blinked back tears.

“I want to go home and see my sister.” The woman’s head tilted. “She’s sick. My family needs me. Please.” The woman shook her head.

“Sorry sweetheart. You won’t be seeing your family ever again.” With that, she walked out, the door shutting behind her with a final thud.

What Would You Do

Frank watched the man leave the grocery store and get into an F-150. As the truck peeled out of the parking lot, he started his Land Rover Defender and followed at a safe distance. Spooking the man would not help him at all. He hit the call button on his phone, the ringing sounding through the speakers of the vehicle. The call was answered on the third ring.

“Track my position. If traffic gets too thin I’ll have to stop following. Make sure the drone is ready.”

“Copy that. Tracking your position now. Jack and Roger will see if they can get ahead as well, in case we need extra surveillance.”

“Good.” He ended the call and kept his focus on the truck. Hoping that this lead panned out, he looked at his phone again. Davis had been taken three days ago. Knowing that Edward Shaw was behind the kidnapping meant that each day they didn’t find Davis would be costly. They never did find out the details of Shaw’s son’s kidnapping. The time frame of each injury, when the kidnappers started cutting the kid apart and sending pieces. He gripped the steering wheel tighter. They had to find Davis!

Chapter 17

The door opened and Tessa watched as two men brought in a large TV and began setting it up. The woman followed, crossing the room and sitting on the bed facing Tessa.

“You’ll have access to our streaming services to watch whatever your heart desires. Follow the rules and you won’t get hurt. Do as I say and you won’t get hurt. Tomorrow you’re going to do a photo shoot. I’ll be in charge of it. If you don’t listen and do as I say, without hesitation, there will be consequences.” One of the men straightened up.

“TV is ready. Can I be the first consequence?” Tessa’s eyes widened in horror and the woman smiled.

“I think she gets the idea. Now, before I leave, do you have any allergies?” Tessa shook her head, fresh tears pooling in her eyes. Nodding, the woman stood up, shooed the men out of the room and followed, locking the door behind her. Burying her head in her knees, Tessa wept.

What Would You Do

Davis jolted awake as the door slammed open and two men crossed the room. They no longer wore ski masks. Not a good sign. Grabbing Davis they dragged him out of the room, not bothering with the restraints this time. Hustled down the stairs, Davis’ mind raced. He didn’t want to think about what they were going to do to him. However, instead of being ushered into the study, he was escorted to the dining room and shoved into a chair. The man sat across the table from him. Davis eyes the mashed potatoes, vegetables and meatloaf, confusion showing on his face.

“It’s not poisoned. I wanted to eat a meal with you.” Davis looked up at the man, then back at the food, his stomach growling. Remembering his plan to try and get the man to change his mind about killing him, he found his voice.

“Thank you so much.” The man smiled and Davis managed to return it. They ate in silence, Davis trying not to look at the men standing nearby with their guns. His captor chuckled, as if sensing Davis’ discomfort.

“Go to the next room and eat, gentlemen. The boy is not going anywhere.” The men walked away and Davis felt himself relax a bit more. Turning his attention back to the man, he smiled.

“Thank you. The food is delicious by the way.” Smiling, the man speared a piece of meatloaf. As he chewed, he watched Davis. Again Davis felt himself shifting uncomfortably.

“Would you like apple pie for dessert?” Davis’ eyes widened. He loved apple pie. Nodding, he finished chewing his food before speaking.

“Yes please.” The man got up and left the room.

Chapter 17

John hung up the phone, his body position telling Amanda what she feared the most.

“No sign of our daughter?” He shook his head. “We can’t lose hope, John. Someone will know where our daughter is. We will find Tessa!” He turned, seeing the tears in her eyes. Crossing the room, he pulled her into a hug, blinking back his own tears.

“We won’t give up. The police have contacted the FBI and they’ll be here in the morning to help. Apparently they are sending a special division. I’m not sure what that means.” Nodding, Amanda clung to her husband, burying her face into his chest. She knew her husband was just as terrified as her. But, right now she was thankful for the strength he was portraying. She needed it. Behind her, Susie slept in her room, oblivious as to what was happening. She had yet to wake up. Amanda closed her eyes. What would they tell her when she did wake up?

Oh Boy

Well, that is the end of Chapter 17. What did you think? Do you think that Frank will find Davis in time? Will the FBI team be able to help find Tessa? Do you think this book will have a happy ending? I’m playing with some ideas of how it will end. Let’s see which way it goes. Until then, enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope you can get outside and enjoy the sunshine. I’ll see you Monday.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.