The Nowhere Man

woman reading a book on a terrace

What a ride! After I finished reading Orphan X from the library I put myself on a waiting list for the second book. It came in and I scooped it up, eager to read it. As you know, I wanted to read The House in the Valley first, but as soon as that was done I opened up The Nowhere Man and dove in. I couldn’t put the book down. Let me tell you my review on it.

Summary of The Nowhere Man

So, as I said, The Nowhere Man is the second book in the Orphan X series by Gregg Hurwitz. Following Evan as he moves on with his life after the first book, we see he is back to helping people. Hunted by someone from his past, he also deals with the aftermath of something from book one. It has to do with a relationship. So, as Evan is doing his thing, working to save someone, he gets ambushed, drugged, and kidnapped. Trying to piece things together and escape is at the top of Evan’s priority list and takes up the majority of the book. All while counting down the days left to save the person he was trying to save before his abduction.

What I Liked

Everything! Evan’s calmness under extreme situations is incredible. Seeing his training come together to help him think outside the box is insane. His escape attempts leave you on the edge of your seat, hoping against all hope. I was invested in this story and could not put the book down. The need to read the next chapter, and the next, overpowered my need to do anything else. You could say I am addicted to this series. And the surprise twist! YOU NEED TO READ THIS SERIES!


Nothing. I can’t just leave this at one word though. If I had to critique anything….nothing comes to mind right now. At no point did I think, well that was stupid, in regard to the story. The story flowed nicely, with some interesting points of view. I can say that I have no complaints about this book.

Rating of The Nowhere Man

As you can probably guess, I rated The Nowhere Man 5 stars. Did I like it more or less than the first book? In some ways yes, and in other ways Orphan X was better. But, together the books just flow perfectly as a series and I am 100% invested in this series. When I’m able to, I probably will buy the entire series so I can read them again. And, I can’t tell you what it is, but something huge happens that sort of shatters Evan and what he knew. All in all, you need to read this book, after you read Orphan X. With that being said, I think I’m going to dive into the next book.

Got to Find Balance

As much as I’m enjoying reading, I have noticed a side effect. Nothing else is getting done. The pictures for the kids I’m supposed to be drawing are not happening. I’m supposed to be doing work on my own novel. Not happening. Honestly, sometimes I’m lucky if I remember to eat. I set alarms to make sure I am not late for work. So, I will need to figure out a way to balance all that. Maybe I’ll have to make reading my reward for getting something on my to do list, done. We will see what happens. And I suppose I should try and do some other blogs and not just book reviews.

What Do You Think?

Unless I shouldn’t. Are you guys enjoying the book reviews? Is there something else you would like me to include in the reviews? Or are you ready for something else in between that isn’t my story? Finding out what to write in blogs is tricky sometimes. And I thought that today’s blog would be different. But I just couldn’t put down the book last night. And I want to write reviews while the books are still fresh in my head. So, I make sure to not start a new book until I’ve written the review. If you want other blogs, let me know what you would like and I’ll be sure to add those in. Anything can happen, if we work together.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.