2024 – My Plan

Well, this year flew by. This is the last blog post of the year as the next will be the next two chapters of my book. Isn’t that crazy. How was 2023 for you? For myself, it was really eye opening. Let me share my plan for my blogs for 2024.

My plan for 2024

Here is my exciting news that I’ve been hinting at. I’m adding another blog day! That’s right folks, we are getting another day of blogs and it has a theme; Fitness Friday! I’m quite excited about this one. Every week I’ll blog about some aspect of my fitness journey. This will cover any workout challenges I’m doing, food I’m eating and training. I believe I’ve mentioned it before, but I want to run the 10k again next year. However, this time I’m going to take my training a bit more seriously. And don’t worry. I’m going to make sure there is plenty of stretching involved so I don’t hurt myself again.

Story Saturday

This theme will continue, though this week will be the last week for two chapters. Next week I go back down to one chapter a week. Honestly, this month was rough with cramming in two chapters each week. I’m glad I did it though, and that I stuck to it. Hopefully you all enjoyed it as well. I would love some feedback on how you feel the story is going. My mom, who has been a huge supporter of my story writing, has given me a lot of feedback. I’m trying to read through my chapters now before I post, as my mom has caught a few mistakes that I missed and pointed them out. Thanks mom, I appreciate the feedback. Keep it coming.

2024 Finance Journey

You’ve heard me complain about my finances in the past, but don’t worry. That’s not what these blogs are going to be about. I’m going to be documenting my finance journey; where I’m making changes to my spending and saving habits, how I plan to knock down my crippling debt, and stay out of future crippling debt. Do I have all the answers? Heck no. However, I’m hoping that by documenting some of these things, I can learn. Who knows. Maybe we can learn together. Any advice is welcome as well.

My 2024 Plan in a nutshell

Basically, my plan is to grow my following, improve my writing, and grow as a blogger in as many areas as possible. I want to spend less time watching TV and movies and more time working on my writing, which is my passion. I said I wanted to publish a book, but then stopped working on it. Let’s get back to that, and continue on here. After all, if I want to turn my writing into a career, of any sort, I have to work at it. Outside of my blogs, I plan to work hard at the hotel and get my hours up again. I want to make more time for friends and family. The plan is to get outside more, be more productive, manage my ADHD better, and continue to grow as a person.

What about you? What would you like to do with the year 2024? I’m not talking about new years resolutions that we all forget about after a week. No, I’m talking about what you would like to see happen. Maybe it’s a career change, or chasing a dream. Perhaps it is relationship growth, or health related. Maybe more self care and taking care of your mental health. I would love to hear about your goals. We could encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and strive towards them together. Anything is possible if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.